"Your Absolutely Right"
My Work has been exploring boundaries, the edges of beliefs, and meeting points. Through examining my experiences and reflections I have been reconstructing / distorting Identities of the self. Most recently I have been considering the dualities of the 'authoritative' figure, how this force of being can be both dangerous and comforting at the same time. If I consider myself as a mother to a young child, I am his echo chamber and he takes what I say as truth, whislt re echoing back to me his understandings. My authority is a role, and if I am not careful to allow him to object, I run the risk of creating an echo chamber not to different (less Damaging of course) to the one Donald Trump Has created for himself.
His however is far more dangerous , yet it made me reflect back on this idea of being "Absolutely Right" all of the time. Of not accepting opposing opinions , and only wanting to work with those whom agree with what we think and believe. This insular way of being lacks substance, and is what inspired me to create a sculpture of Donald Trump.
Made mainly of Steel.The qualities are unforgiving, hard, and cold. ( a response to his unjustified” decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium producer.
That he would not have the detail and attention of a face, so the viewer would find it even more difficult to connect with him. I wanted to create something fast paced and blunt, hard and quite ugly.
Insular Thinking
It is believed that social media echo Chambers gifted Trump the Presidency, showing power resides in ignorance. His inner circle is filled with people that sound just like him , and are who are willing to carry out whatever he says.
The Sound piece that echoes from inside the sculpture are appropriated clips from youtube that I have distorted and rearranged. Spinning the negative media documentation of Trump. The sound puts his supporters to light, in a subtle mocking way. I feel he and his supporters are fuelled by the negative responses to his presidency, and wanted to counter this through echoes of themselves as well as racial controversy. Although it sounds positive, there is a mocking undermining tone. This is done to question the illusion and false representation.
Clips used :
- Donald Duck
- America Anthem
- Donal Trumps voice
- Gill Schott heroin ( " The Revolution will not be televised)
- Donald Trump Speech on Afro Americans
- Donald Trump White Supremist Supporter
- Donald trumps Speech on Mexican people
Myriam Witcher ( Latino Trump Supporter)
- Walt disney " Whistle While You work"
- "Thank You president Trump" Advertisement
- Lana Del Rey " Happy Birthday Mr president
- Some Like it Hot " For He's a Jolly Good Fellow "