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"Same Same But Different"
‘Same Same But Different’ is a 3D installation using a mixture of Howell’s collages and painted sculptures with McGinn’s video work. Howell appropriates historical archives taken from 1920s Anthropology journals , 1975-1987 National Geographic imagery and her own Family images. whilst McGinn’s video sources range from old boxing matches to Pavarotti concerts to YouTube compilations. Addressing the idea of identity and repetition, the two artists have collaborated to produce an all-immersive installation which resists organisation and connects at points randomly, embodying the Rhizome theory of resisting order. Working together has allowed both artists to mix East with West, 2D with 3D, personal footage/imagery with found footage/imagery and off screen with on screen. Screenshots from McGinn’s ‘WSM’ (World’s Strongest Man) video series have been enlarged, to the point of pixelation and mounted onto the windows of the gallery, allowing the exhibition to be turned outwards towards the public.
The artworks aim to celebrate the complexity and diversity found amongst the human race; at the end of it all we are the Same Same but Different.
"The One That Holds Everything"
“Dancing Water “ For “The One That Holds Everything” The Crypt . London
“If Only It Was This Easy To Bring People together” For Bring The Paint festival, Leicester
“Life In A Shoebox” For Holden Arcade , London