It was a beneficial opportunity to visit the Space organisation alongside peers, and the guest artists. We Learnt whats Space offers for artists in terms of support and affordable workspace from the organisation itself, as well as past and current artists receiving their support. Their Programmes are designed to help promote artists, as well as assist in their development. I discovered how important it is to be aware of such organisations. As emerging artists in a challenging industry, we are going to need all the help we can get. It will be challenging to sustain a working practice in London, but support does exist outside the educational system with companies such as Space offering Support Programs.
Hugo Mendes Currently has a Studio at Space, and kindly let us a look around. His studio was not huge, but it was well organised and functioned for his needs. I was surprised to discover that he spent a large part of his day on the internet , attending to artist admin work. He felt that this "Comes with the job" as an artist. He was accepting of how he has to adapt, in order to sustain his practice.
#Hugo Mendes Studio at Space
The guest artist of the day Adam Dix, invited us to visit his studio at Griffin Gallery, where he is completing a residency programme there. Griffin gallery is home to Windsor and Newton and Liquidex laboritories His residency encourages him to experiment with different materials, whilst investigating art supplies. It was great to find out about such opportunities, that involved "playing" with methods and materials. These visits helped to form excitement about stepping out as an emerging artist, but helped keep a reality check on the difficulties that surround it. It seems if you can handle rejection, designate time for careful planning, and learn the art of patience , we will be just fine.
#Griffin Gallery Residency Studio