“Flying With The Gods Before 8am”

“Flying With The Gods Before 8am” Original Footage , Bangkok, 2.23 mins 2019

According to ancient Customs in Thailand, there is an astrological rule that assigns a colour to each day of the week. This Colour is based on the God who protects that day, and the Planet it rules. Many people choose to wear the colour assigned to each day and “Flying With The Gods  Before 8 am” this project will take a closer look at this tradition, within daily ritualistic exercise in Bangkok and other events in the City. Looking at the social context of community, exercise and moving meditation, I created a sense of rhythm that goes beyond the pace of the everyday.  

“ Flying With The Gods Mandala” 0.21 mins , 2020

“ Flying With The Gods Mandala” 0.21 mins , 2020

Single Gifs from “Flying With The Gods Mandala” 2020

Single Gifs from “Flying With The Gods Mandala” 2020
