Artist Statement
I am a dual heritage artist exploring place and identity. Most of my inspiraion comes from the outside world of everyday life, our daily activities, symbolism/ Rituals, and the people I meet. I Link image, Sound and video Clips that I have captured from around the world, with appropriated historical archives and family portraits. Distorting the likeness of people and places, to take on new perspectives, through Paint, Collage and installation. The assembling of objects, both pre fabricated and made, allows me to piece together a fictional reality, whilst connecting disparate elements.
The surfaces I work with play an important part in the work, often choosing pre fabricated materials, or disrupting the surface to take on a new form, for example rusting steel. This is to emphasise my interests in objects having an pre existing purpose, then taking on a new one, or our actions having a reaction. I question our place on the earth, our relationship with ourselves and others through heritage, traditions and lifestyle.
My focus is drawn to the meeting points at random, the idea of simultaneous possibilities co- existing allows me to explore, and connect "different worlds" at the same time. The reconstruction element within my work gives reference to the complex layers of history, of movement of people and goods, and Cultural displacement. I have taken much of my inspiration for the development of my work from the Rhizome concept developed by Deleuze and Guattari. "A Rhizome has no beginning or end" I develop my research into identity through a non starting point, pushing the Connections and multiplicities that evolve within the work.